You're killing me smalls!
This week with Fit for the kingdom has been super dumb. I've just been surviving. So we are second to lowest in the Mission and we just don't have much of a chance to win and the zone leader has just been pressuring me into not eating candy even if we have no chance so I have just not been eating candy so I'm not a disappointment.

We have been super blessed to have 6 people at church this week and we have a baptism scheduled for this Saturday. It's going to be sweet. We are going to have Angel and Camelle baptized and going to have Elder Brown do the baptism because it will be his first one hope he has a blast.
It has been a great week though. Played lots of card games again this week ate some more from sushi king it was great but we went when its "dinner time" so it was more expensive so we shouldn't have so it was really expensive.
Had dinner at a nonmembers house and they are nice we were supposed to be on an exchange and it just didn't really happen but after we had a cool miracle meet 3 cool people and it was just cool me and Elder Jacobs were on an exchange and basically split up and taught two sets of people because people kept talking over each other. Was funny we will see what comes from it another crazy busy week just how life is.
Can't wait for Fit for the kingdom to be over waiting not counting days or anything. One thing I'm working on is just taking everything a day at a time not worrying about the past and what I've had and thought was nice just trust God has even better things ahead and try to have Joy in the moment.
Love Y'all only got called cute twice this week cringe lol
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