If you only believe in the sun when you can see it you will never make it through the night
Okay decent quote not my favorite but it works.

We honestly don't know how the food bank fund like when we are there we are super busy and the workers just wander off and do other things like we just do a ton and don't see things getting done if we weren't there just not near as fast it is just interesting but I love serving there. There's a guy who works there that occasionally will cuss and be like oops and just correct himself I'm assuming to be respectful it is nice of him. Last week we were talking about like getting something to drink it was hot he was like oh in the cooler there's lots of stuff and talked about Mtn dew and he's like oh wait there's caffeine. Anyways I was like oh we can have caffeine and hours later I was like well its time for a "caffeinated" beverage it was funny.
We had a lesson with the Bruzan family and put their daughter Melonie on a date! Last Saturday in June is the day pray that everything works out! Had a great lesson we are pretty excited for her. Today we had our weekly planning and it was kinda a mas o menos evaluation it was good. Still figuring our kinks out but it's all good just growing.
Been working on a lot of family history and Русский (Russian). Just how I've tried spending my time while Elder Wilkinson plays the ukulele. It's been just I've been growing a lot.
Lots of studies and just learning to be a missionary still. It's pretty crazy to think though I've been away from home for 7 months. It's a very obvious totally different life but I'm super glad to be here though it is hard I'm looking forward to many blessings that will follow but doing my best to live here and not just in the future.
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