Reach for the sky!

Baby chicken at Judy's farm.

Well, how about reaching for the stars! So I have the best area in the mission and we'll I changed our goal of baptizing 1 person to 3! Well my oh my that's quite a number I think we are capable of a lot through teaching with the spirit but people have their agency and we will see what happens and will work our tails off! We set a date for a man named Joe to be baptized we need to meet with him more and go over more on the lessons but he wants to be baptized and we will see if we can help him get there. 

"Why don't you cry to someone that actually cares" -Elder Wood/my trainer. Lol I have the best trainer ever no I haven't cried to him lol I'm fine but he's funny I love him he's interesting at times a funny guy and just keeps positive vibes around all the time so that's great. Some things he says reminds me of a certain older brother and its not in a bad way its nice :)

Well you ask what's the hardest part of being a Missionary? Well, it's mostly trunky thoughts I am not trunky but thinking of home or other things just is a distraction and doesn't seem bad but it can become bad so that's why it sucks but hey I'm happy to be out here with the opportunity to invite people to Christ.
Raccon on Judy's Farm

I love going to Judy's farm for service each week and I need my cowboy boots from home to feel confident apparently. I'm so sad to say horses still seem kinda scary. Listen they way a little more then we can I just feel you have less control over an animal that much bigger than you. But I'll get my boots this next week hopefully and then just run that farm. 

Appreciate whoever takes the time to read my emails ik you are busy but I just feel the support when I know people are reading them so thanks for those of you who do bless you. 

Tuesday I helped give a priesthood blessing and it was scary but cool. Just said the things I felt impressed to say. Sister Buchanon has health issues and has two kids almost 1 and they are struggling with the kids and are thinking about giving them up what a hard time for that family but we hope the blessing helps and she does what's best for her family.

Does this remind you of someone?
Overall I love it out here it's warmed up a little and some days feel great outside but very easy to get a little cold. The trees are so pretty! I love it miss my mountains so sad. No place like home haha. 


  1. Joey, so good to read your mission update. You are funny: you say something a bit "negative" and then always follow up with a brighter optimistic summary. I am challenged right now as I move into my new home. Best description: if a burglar broke in, they would see all the mess and think some other burglar beat them to the punch! Your Dad is a machine when it comes to moving things. Even he was exhausted by the end of that moving day. See, that's another bright side to being away, you would have been exhausted with all I had to move. Lucky Elder Gridley! That said, I sure want to acknowledge how blessed I have been and I am so very happy with my new home. Thanks for sharing your experiences, Jonas. With all my heart, I know the gospel you are trying to share with others is Christ's gospel in its fullness on the earth today. You really are honored to be His full-time representative. (One that I'm so proud of.). Love from Grandma Gridley


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