So much happens every single week here in Chesapeake zone. We went up to serve again at the temple Monday and Tuesday that's why you are receiving this email on Wednesday. The temple is fun to serve at. We removed or put on shoe covering so people can enter the temple. Nice to hear everyone's thoughts on the temple both members and nonmembers of the church. I also love hanging out with the other missionaries and just having fun together. We had 10 Elders spend the night with some local missionaries it was all 10 of us in 2 bedroom apartment so that was a blast. My air mattress had a hole so I moved to the couch what a blessing that was actually slept really well. They had 7 missionaries in one room and 3 in the other I liked being in the 3 the other two missionaries are a lot younger in the mission and it was nice to just chat with them about how they are doing. Super fun though.

We had a great lesson with a part member family. They have all been coming to church for years the father of the family is not a member but has a calling and enjoys the church. At church, Elder Sikehema was there and called him out saying I understand you're not a member. Just trying to help him think about why he's not or what's holding him back. That was interesting but it made everything better when we went over for dinner and to do a lesson. They had a great mean 2nd dinner meal ish we had a late lunch with some other members the kings. But the part-member family's name is the Wildmans. Elder Matthews ended up asking him almost point-blank why are you not a member yet? The room seemed to stand still after that for a moment then he seemed like he didn't want to really get into all the details. We kept talking and it was so good and guided asked him lots of questions and really got to know him and what his thought are on everything. He isn't sure if it's all true and doesn't just want to join for his family so we ended up leaving on a great note. He loved the conversation and wanted to actually start meeting it was super cool the spirit was there it was great! Nothing short of a miracle also they had a cake and I blew out 2 candles for my birthday they also sang very nice of them.

I had a great birthday on the mission and turned 21 so that's a party! For my birthday I wanted to go to Texas road house for lunch. Elder Matthews lost his phone in a member's car and we had to go track it down later but a member Elder Matthews knew in a previous area was there and walked in and payed for us so that was very nice of them. I did, in fact, do a little yeehaw on a saddle they brought over it was just funny lovely little things in life that are so fun.
We had a lesson with a recent convert Nick at the Sikehema's house Brother Sikehea's dad is the general authority area 70 and teaching in front of him was so odd and funny he is a great teacher himself. Really cool. He won't be in town for another 4 months but fun that he has been around I got a picture there super fun.
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes I love you all
Elder Gridley
I guess I hit 18 months yesterday woot!
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