Keep moving forward
So this week was pretty cool couple of good things. Lots of the people we have tried to start teaching have stopped wanting to meet because they find crap on the internet saying things that we do not believe and they just assume it's right and stop talking that's annoying but it's really frustrating Elder Wade so that's just great.
Princess Anne an area in our district which has the sisters Boldt, Ross, and Horne. They had 3 people ona date for baptism, and I did the interview and well it had some ups and downs doing some calls Sunday to talk about different things for the confirmation was kinda stressful but it worked out.
I got a cool new shirt today and that was fun went to a cool store. Played a little D&D and got sushi so super fun. Second to last pday with E. Wade so wild. We should have a fun week ahead of us.
Meet this awesome guy named Lloyd he had us come over it was 7:35 we were there till 9:15 it was so cool. We taught lots of stuff he agreed with so much it was amazing. We just left higher than air. I loved it he loved us and wants us back over. Felt really good just teaching that's one thing that's been newer this transfer. Just love teaching people and knowing them and what they need it's super cool just to be personal.
Meet this wild kid named Ian it was so weird he was interesting we meet at a different church. Then we went to his house and throw a football and talked about the church. We did teach him the restoration and hope to hear back from him soon.
Anyways doing well thanks for the cookies 

Love Elder Gridley
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