Looks like you got your pick of the litter!
Okay I can't tell you what movie I know this is from but I need help it fits so well!
Monday we had a lesson with our friend Keegan she's Pagan its interesting teaching her very new for me but it's pretty good. Had a good lesson going back this next Thursday. Oh so we biked to this lesson and I lead and when we got there we realized Elder Wilkinson didn't have a tie!
had to get a picture super great.

Tuesday I learned what you need to do to kick someone out in NC it was interesting. Sorry umm we taught Kathy it was great we didn't expect dinner so we had 2 dinners shrug cool. It was great. Elder Wilkinson had a lot of packing not much else happened.
Wednesday TRANSFERS! So I was so excited and nervous to train. We got Elder Wilkinson and all his stuff to Transfers on time it was great gave him a hug and said goodbye and got my new companion. Well as the title of the email. I got my pick of them all. I had the spirit confirm to me Elder Esplin was supposed to be here with me it has just been a wonderful time!
Thursday we had probably my most spiritual lesson ever. Pause. Yeah, it was amazing we taught Martha and Marquette her daughter. We talked about baptism and the plan of salvation it was wonderful Brother Shakin was with us it was so good. I've learned so much this week gahh. Brother Shakin helped boost my confidence and gave me a few compliments on knowing preach my gospel. Very nice of him Elder Esplin in our lesson testified very powerfully couldn't get all the words out but it was powerful.
Friday had another rather similar lesson with Martha this time with Sister Shakin super super cool. We had another lesson one with a woman named Jequala super powerful she felt the power in the Book of Mormon as we prayer we invited her to read Moroni's promise and tell us what happened the next day.
Saturday we basically put Jequala on a date but it's a little more complex but she's ready for church and to learn more it's super sweet felt the spirit knows the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith is a prophet so it's super awesome. Had a lesson with a friend named Deborah it was good her Roomate/boyfriend? Was there listened to some he wasn't so interested and it took a little work to get through the lesson Deborah likes talking but we got it all done and gave her a Bible and a Book of Mormon she's going to read.
Sunday one of the best parts and worst was just giving Jaquala a call out of nowhere. She had a big thing go down over the weekend lots of family in the hospital and she was like I know Satan's attacking me because of the good things I'm doing he doesn't want that we read Mosiah 24 and she became so happy and felt her burdens lifted the Spirit was very strong super cool.
Going to be the best transfer ever.
Love yall Elder Gridley
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