"I can do this all day"
Though I'm fine put here working all the time I definitely loved being a pop culture junkie,, but hey "Pobodys Nerfect" guys

It's been a great start on this run but it's for 2 years it's no sprint. But speaking of running we went running for the first time since Hampton. We only ran two miles but it was great!
We taught 2 lessons with my favorite member here Brother Shakin he knows so much about the gospel and is a motivational speaker just the whole 9 yards with his people skills. But it was really fun to teach with him.
Wow, I guess it's hitting me now my comps going home next Wednesday. Transfer news is Saturday I hope I stay but in my gut hope I leave we will see what happens. I'm excited though.
We meet our mission President! Super cool guy un excited now. So President Droubay was the guy that trained mission presidents and worked with the church most of his whole life so he was just a massive asset to the church. So President Hutchinson talked about how big the shoes are to fill. But I love him and gave him a hug and he asked how much time he has with me and well it's not long only 15 months but I trust we will be working very closely together. Jkjk but I'm excited.
Great week loving it have a lovely week yall!
-Elder Gridley
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