Mr. Stark... I don't feel so good.
Hello there, so this week was just wild had a lot going on very busy. Tuesday we had Dinner with a member the Cazares family it was sweet. They had some Vietnamese food it was pretty good. They also had a giant cookie pie thing. it was so good! to look at

This week we had so much fun doing cool things. We taught a lady and gave her a Book of Mormon and she gave us some stuffed animals a sloth and a hedgehog it was wack kinda funny said happy valentines day to us and gave us cologne lol. Super weird
We put Angel and Camelle on date hope that happens it should it will be so sweet. We really want to hit 3 convert baptism we are gonna do it.
Its just been a super busy week hate not eating sweets because of the fit for the kingdom but it's life. :/ Got some The Office Uno cards today loving that going to really enjoy that is sweet. I'm just happy to be here.
Sorry if this is boring but your fine haha love yall
Love Elder Gridley
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