Second week in the MTC - Seems I've arrived on an uncharted planet.
Well no this week I won't be going farther than I've ever been from home. This week I ripped my pants sorry no picture sure you would have loved that haha guess I'm getting fat already. Well no but we sewed them back up and I'll just avoid wearing them. Another elder also ripped his pants fell was not supper good for his pants was right on the knee so we will see if we can fix them once we can. Later that day we were thinking about it and we'll it was a big rip no pun intended.
When I start thinking about it is when I mostly miss friends and family. Otherwise, I'm just doing the work. But I hate being so close yet so far from home. Think it's kinda dumb that you have your district and get to know each other pretty well and people go to different places but at least all the elders are going to the same place :)
The hardest day this week was like Wednesday I was so tired and done but went to bed and Thursday was the best day so it's okay.
Have you ever prayed to get better at something? Well me too and let me tell ya it sucks. Well I'll keep working on getting better with this attribute life goes on I can do hard things through my father in heaven.
When I start thinking about it is when I mostly miss friends and family. Otherwise, I'm just doing the work. But I hate being so close yet so far from home. Think it's kinda dumb that you have your district and get to know each other pretty well and people go to different places but at least all the elders are going to the same place :)
So why was Thursday so good? Well folks the people here are great and I love the elders but the sisters?.?.? Lol God has many children that are pretty now don't think I just have been flirting
I think I'm okay but president Porter here says flirting is talking about anything other than missionary work so that's been dumb you either are not kind to sister or are kinda weird. But I talked to some Hermonas and got to speak some Spanish so fun kinda wish I was speaking Spanish but I'm also happy with English. Had a hard time turning that Spanish brain off so weird. I might have flirted according to president porters definition of flirting but I think I'm fine. It's very tempting to get Facebook and add sisters but I think that would be that step too far. But hey I had a good day that day and god has the sister here for many reasons and we'll they helped me be happy to be here Thursday so I guess I'll be just fine :)

I do my best to still be the kind little kid. It's not one asks me to take their plates but I do my best to kinda help clean the table and get everyone's plates, to hold doors and smile. It can be hard to put a smile on your face and keep it there I'll sometimes put my shoulders upright and smile but doesn't last long want to be able to just smile but I'll work on it.
Anyways hope those of you who made it this far got a laugh and know I'm okay and happy
Love you all Elder Gridley
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