I thought it was crazy but I did it

Tuesday the 6th Today started out with interviews with the mission president; which is always really fun. We have seen President Hutchesen a lot recently. Zone conference, stake conference, and interviews. There has been a big focus on trying to talk with everyone and you'd think after being on my mission for 20 months I'd be a natural by now. Well as of 4 weeks ago I'd still kinda dread talking with everyone it's scary as many might agree, but I love it now so much more fun. With the focus to talk with everyone we have also just talked about being focused on our missionary purpose (Inviting others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel by faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost). So what I think of now is do you want to come closer to God? Some people say yes others say no. Among the people who say yes we go further if you are wanting to come closer to God, I know how or I believe...