Why so serious, Son?

So the title of this email is because of Elder Topham. We where in a member lesson and where about to setup one where we come in person and meet them and i was about to say when and he was like im not sure if we can... We said to the family we will get back to you. Hes just been less understanding of the rules and a little strick and he knows but we are going to go over in person thats going to be sweet. Well North Carolina is sweet definitely more south. Probobly why i feel its so different here. So thats cool. The members here are super kind sweet people was very welcomed loving it here and its just got warmer so thats been way nice. Did a good bit of finding time in person and it just felt so good to be outside! Great weather out here :) This was one of the funnest weeks out here seen so many miracles! Had some fun exchanges this week that was super fun! I went out with Elder Jacobs on an exchange and that was honestly another hig...